Monday, April 12, 2010

Thanksgiving as an Act of the Will

holy experience

Wow.  I love her focus and honesty.  Ann Voskamp (with a great deal of poetic storytelling) reminds us that perfectionism is a sickness that can bring on depression and challenges us to lives of obedient thankfulness.  If you click on this button above, you will be able to read her story.

I love that after she grumbles, her husband asks, "You just fallen sick with perfectionism again?”
What a great reminder.  So, I'll join her gratitude community with these afternoon thanksgivings:
1. I'm thankful for three, beautiful, healthy children.  Each too smart for their and my own good.
2. I'm thankful for a husband "who's crazy as me" as Allison Kraus sings
3. I'm thankful that God comforts, challenges, and transforms all through a book I can hold in my hand, always accessible.
4. I'm thankful for health.  It wasn't long ago that I rode a sugar roller coaster, not sure why.  I'm thankful for my insilin stabilizer.  My husband is thankful too.
5. I'm thankful for daffadils with orange centers, swaying in my backyard.
6. I'm thankful for a nap today.  Baby woke up way too early.
7. I'm thankful for Pandora radio stations.  I love Sara Groves in the morning and Louis Armstrong to start us dancing around the dinner-making time, when we are all dragging.
8. I'm thankful for Tuesday Sabbath and a babysitter who adores my children.
9. I'm thankful to be a part of intercessors in South Haven who will meet tonight at the Assemblies of God.
10. I'm thankful for Andrew and my parents who gave our children amazing gifts of quality time last week, and through that, infusions of the DNA of their spirits.  I'm always so sad that we don't live closer. 

Now, back to trying to clean with three children bounding around like Tiggers.  This time, I will approach our hardwood floors without the perfectionism.

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