Sunday, November 21, 2010

Building the Wall of our Family

Thursday Madeline and Caedmon and I carted a bunch of wooden blocks to the middle of the kitchen with a polly pocket house.  I got this idea from some brilliant blogger who I have forgotten now.  I'm sorry, virtual friend.

I was just going to give the kids the simple illustration that we all needed to build our part of the wall to make our house stronger.  Then, I got this idea to read the story of Nehemiah from our beautiful children's Bible.

You know those times when you feel as though the Lord is speaking directly to you through every word.  This was one of those times.  The passion, fasting, prayer and corporate confession of Nehemiah startled me.  He knew how to pray continually.  The opposition of the neighboring states mocking their work reminded me of those who don't believe that strong families are a possibility anymore. 

Then there was this powerfully inspiring image of those who were building on the wall had a sword in one hand, to fight off opposition.  All of a sudden I started understanding the importance of the mother, building and fighting: working with active love with all her heart (Nehemiah 4:6).

Not only did Maddie and Caed understand the power of working together,  ("Do you guys know that I don't like to clean?  How can we help each other do something that has to be done even though we don't enjoy it?") I think we all gained a better understanding of the necessity of the home.  Good walls create freedom.

More on this in the next few weeks. 

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