The summer is nearly over and I can definitely say that I am more ways than one.
We're homeschooling...a decision that I agonized over for the last few years. My mothering stress level was crazy high and neither Andrew or I could have anticipated what has just occurred.
I LOVE HOMESCHOOLING! Who knew? We've been "practicing" for the last month so that I could make an informed decision and have settled into a blend of Charlotte Mason and Classical for now. Caedmon is an older Kindergartener and loves learning and Madeline has a mind that memorizes everything around her. She soaks up knowledge without trying. Caedmon and I were doing a few flashcards on question sight words and Madeline was barely paying attention though every once in a while she would look up, barely emotionally engaged and in a monotone, say the right word (which had been shuffled, I promise.)
Right now our curriculum is using Living Books Charlotte Mason style and doing our other learning activities surrounding them. Caedmon told his friend yesterday that he wasn't interested in going to school where you had to sit behind a desk and do worksheets all day. "Yup," his friend said, "that's pretty much what we do." You should see the tee pee in our backyard.
I love my job. No longer do I watch Andrew go out the door and secretly wish I had a "day off" to be a priest. Passionate mothering is no longer a catch word to aspire to, but (major prayer answered!) a reality. I have always adored my children, but for the first time, I have major amounts of joy surrounding the work God has called me to. I even started getting all domestic, baking and stuff. No more Little Ceasar's crappy pizza. Hello Barefoot Contessa's honey and kosher salt infused pizza dough.
Homeschooling seems to order our day and builds quality time right into our schedule. The bonding the kids and I are doing is deeper (Madeline even started wanting cuddle time in the morning) and even Andrew is getting involved reading "The Sign of the Beaver," before bed. (We're doing all things American Indians from the late 1800's right now because that's where Caed's interest was already.)
Personally, I love the creativity involved. I've always been a learner and a researcher and spending time figuring out how to form feast-laying curriculum is fascinating. The other night, I spent an hour of my after-bedtime free time figuring out how to make Madeline Sacajawea paper dolls! Mothering has become my new guilty pleasure.
I am rejoicing right now as this all has been extremely surprising and frankly, I am drinking insane amounts of orange green tea which steeps in the fridge at all times and is probably adding to the happy buzz. Thank you, God and thank you, Lipton.
i'm glad it's going so well! if you ever want some homeschool fellowship, or to plan a fun school-related outing together, just holler! we will be over your way a couple of time in september, so maybe we can say hello.
Serena, that would be great! Let me know when you and your lovely family are coming our direction.
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