Thursday, August 26, 2010

Our Cottages, His Kingdom: How and Why We Usher Him In

The Kingdom of God (the power of Christ in and through people) was never meant to be static.  You are filled with the Kingdom of God if you are a Christian and surrendering daily to Christ.(Luke 17:21) Christ's rule has come over your life (though we are pretty good and coming out from under it often) and the Kingdom of God is within you. 

As Christians we are meant to be praying on a daily basis:
Our Father
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

This is THE prayer that Christ taught his disciples.  It might be short, but it is not simple.

What is the kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is where Christ is on the throne where He is always meant to be, where all things are worshiping, and there is NOTHING placed before Him! The Kingdom of God is where we are WHOLE-hearted, Peter-stepping-out-of-the-boat focused on Jesus. The Kingdom of God is where every sin has been covered by the blood, where every disease and broken heart has been healed. Isaiah 61

In the Kingdom of God there is appropriate order.  Injustice is no more.  Every crooked thing (bad theology, sin) is made straight.  In the Kingdom of God fruit bursts out big and beautiful as we dwell in Jesus. 

The Kingdom of God is Eden before the fall where God walked with people in the cool of the evening.  The Kingdom of God is Heaven established on our soil.

So, here's the next working image:  The Kingdom of God wants to go out from you (Luminous One) through the Holy Spirit into every domain that you walk in.  The dark rooms will not/should not stay dark when we have walked into them because we are carrying the light of Christ with us. 

We can pray the Kingdom of God (God's true and powerful reign on earth) as we clean the dust bunnies from every corner of our homes, as we stroller through our neighborhoods, blessing our neighbors and praying that the Father would draw them to Himself. 

John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him and I will raise him up on the last day."

We can pray the Kingdom of God as we walk to get coffee at work and then back to our cubicle, as we process the cross in our churches.  We can pray the Kingdom into all places where we have influence so that like ripples on the water going outward, the Lord can come on earth as it is in heaven.  This is our role, our joy as Christ-followers. 

When you walk around your home today, pray that this square footage would be Kingdom land, that Christ would reign there in every inch.  As you clean, pray, "Jesus, your Kingdom come my heart...and here in this home.  Clean out our hearts as we clean out this room.  Lord, I pray that this home and the people in it would please you in every way.  Lord, heal us of every disease physical and spiritual that is keeping us from serving You.  Heal us of every broken heart that is keeping us from serving, loving, sharing You with our neighbors. 

We need to be healed so that we can stop the pity party, the utter self-focus, and LOVE others into the Kingdom.  Lord, we want to live in Your Presence...we want our food that we prepare to be kingdom food, our joys to be kingdom joys.  We want to dwell with You under Your tent."

When Jesus walked into a room and people began to believe in Him, this is what happened: healings occured.  Sins were forgiven.  Demons left.  Truth was told.  People were invited deeper.  The truth is that NOTHING HAS CHANGED!  He desires to do the same thing now, but here's the difference:

He wants to bring the Kingdom through you. 

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