Saturday, May 7, 2011

a new direction

So dear friends,
It has been quite a year, a homeschooling year that was not entirely pleasant.  Yes, there were pleasant moments teaching my young ones to read and getting to read amazing books about Mother Teresa's obedience and exploring all the children's museums in the area.  But, I must admit that life with an active, not quite reasoning little one kept us from any sort of atmosphere of grace.  At least it was a constant struggle on my part as I tried to direct education and keep the climbing, exploring, highly-vocal Xman from killing himself. 

I set the blog down entirely in part because of the lack of time and in part because I was searching for the new direction that my writing was supposed to take and wanted to listen until it took shape.  I'm excited to start working on a book/article? of moment by moment intimacy (communion) with God, the struggle and how it shapes our lives and will be using the blog as a sort of dumping ground.  You are welcome to read quotes/ mini stories as I publish them but I will be writing much less on motherhood and the home and more small pieces on prayer and daily spirituality.  Please pray for me in this new calling that any fruit that comes out of this work would be part of a balanced life and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

I love you all and have enjoyed our bloggy relationship!

Summer Joy

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