Sunday, May 16, 2010

we're home!

The Myers/Gross family

"I am the true Vine and my Father is the Gardener.  ...if a (wo)man remains in me and I in her, she will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."  John 15:1,5

We're back and I'm pretty sure Jesus got his spectacular wine from this region!  The chianti at Le Sorgenti was amazing and we were surrounded by vines climbing the hilly tuscan region everywhere we went.  There was little time for contemplation but I amassed lots of images to bring home and take luxurious visual baths in. 

This week, I have tucked in.  We were exhausted from some of the most difficult travel we have had since I was a teenager.  The kids were spectacular but we have mined every moment while home for relaxation and extra naps.  I've gone to sleep before 9 pm most evenings.  For years, this type of tucking in was not acceptable to me.  I had to run every waking moment and pursue perfection.  I'm learning that the branch doesn't do much work but settles down into God, spending time with Him.  The branch connects, becomes infused and obeys.

More about Italy in the next days...enjoy your Sabbath!

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