Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Working Image: Home as Sabbath

Pay no attention to the cheerios on the floor.  Before I can do an after- Easter- and- after-spring- vacation cleaning overhaul, I need serious inspiration.  

 Why is a home that is welcoming and peaceful to my family an essential?  Remind me again.

Sabbath.  Sabbath is usually understood as time set apart for refreshment, joy, feasting and with reconnecting with God.  So, here's the deal: I've noticed a distinct difference in the quality of my Sabbath (either once a week, or as my daily peace) if my counters are cleared off, the tea kettle is ready to make morning tea and the bathtub is ready for a soak. 

I find it extremely difficult to Sabbath with chaos looming. 

So, this is my working image for my home: my home should be a Sabbath.  When my kids come home from preschool, I want to welcome them into a space that prompts their creativity to come alive.  When Andrew and I come home from an exhausting Sunday morning, we need to come home to a space that will speak, "Peace be still", not be demanding "attention, attention please" like a yappy dog.

If I can create some semblance of peace throughout my home, the space itself can fade into the background becoming just a set backdrop instead of a grumpy main character. 

Just some thoughts so that hopefully, tomorrow morning's cleaning spree can be more effective.  More on this subject later...

So, in the morning, I will put on jeans, a t-shirt, a red toile apron (geeky, I know, but with a uniform, I have a conscious reminder of my purpose and don't veer off into facebook land, etc.  Besides, it has a pocket for my phone and music:)  I'll put on French music, open the windows to let the breeze in and keep baby busy with a procession of finger foods. 

Question:  How is your home part of your ministry?

Happy Monday to all of you from the little yellow (getting cleaner all the time) cottage.

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