Thursday, September 11, 2008

Days Off

When was your last day off? Motherhood and whatever else you do are more than full time jobs! What replenishes you? How do you get refilled in order to have something to give again?

My dears, we need to find ways to lie fallow in order to be planted again and actually yield something nutritious. Give up false mommy guilt and get a babysitter for at least four hours a week not in order to clean that bathroom more perfectly, but to become a human being for a while, replenish, read, pray, listen to your music loudly (not the Backyardigans), enjoy a sunset, go shopping. The truth is that I lose all perspective if I don't have days off. (I call them Sabbaths in order to justify them to myself on my more people-pleasing days.) I start spinning out of control like a top and forget what my priorities are, worse, I lose touch with God.

JoAnne Weaver in Having a Mary Heart in a Martha world say that she has found a formula for intimacy with God. I hate formulas but this so works:

Bible + Prayer + Time = Intimacy with God.

If I don't give time somehow it all stays on the surface and doesn't sink in.

Anyways, find your own Sabbath and clear out space for it...I'll see you later... I'm going Goodwill shopping and used bookstore hopping today. Happy hunting.

Mommy Vitamin of the Day

Elaine Heffner:
Women do not have to sacrifice personhood if they are mothers. They do not have to sacrifice motherhood in order to be persons.

True Liberation

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mommy Vitamin

James Fenton:

The lullaby is the spell whereby the mother attempts to transform herself back from an ogre to a saint.

For Grandma Gross

Maddie-For Grandma Gross: Potty training before her two year old birthday. God bless her!

And reading a fishing magazine of course.

Tuesday morning group

We miss you Stephanie!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Love Lavishly

Friends, I recently watched the beautiful transformation of the women on Enchanted April, a Merchant and Ivory film that I think is well worth your next Netflix pick.

In it Lottie moves from a woman who "meets out love in teaspoons" to a woman who has found abundance and can therefore love lavishly.

Yesterday with our Tuesday morning "Luminous Women" group in our little yellow cottage, we looked at the "Kitchen Service" chapter from Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World and encountered the lavish loving of Jesus who washed his disciples feet.

Here's the opening verse of John 13:

"It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.

He was showing them, making them feel what lavish love looked like (creating a sense memory of His humble, abundant love) and there was certainly no "meeting it out in teaspoons."

The question is, can I (we) be so secure in the lavish love of God, spending enough time in His presence that it overflows into our home, our neighborhood and the surrounding world?

Shine bright, dear ones, but remember, your light will grow dim fast if it is only your own light.

Mommy Vitamin of the day

The formative period for building character for eternity is in the nursery. The mother is queen of that realm and sways a scepter more potent than that of kings or priests. ~Author Unknown

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Motherhood and Perspective

GK Chesterton (a friend of CS Lewis) has the following encouraging words about motherhood:

“I can understand how [mothering] might exhaust the mind, but I cannot imagine how it could narrow it. How can it be a large career to tell other people’s children about arithmetic, and a small career to tell one’s own children about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone, and narrow to be everything to someone? No; a woman’s function is laborious because it is gigantic, not because it is minute. I will pity Mrs. Jones for the hugeness of her task; I will never pity her for its smallness.”

Thank you GK. I needed that.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


An underused word.

So, where does it come from and how is it related to happiness? Here's my definition: Happiness is something that I have worked at manufacturing from the outside in and joy comes from God from the inside out.

A few weeks ago I started to ask God to provide joy for me and was shocked with the tiny but beautiful moments in my life where my heart burst open like a spring. The most surprising and seemingly ordinary, was a moment at which I heard God say in my spirit, "Summer, here is beauty for your morning, enjoy." Right then, the sun burst through the leaves glittering and shimmering. Even more surprising was that my heart rose up to meet it. (Let me tell you that it was definetely not self-created because I was marching up killer hill from South Beach towards St. Basils with 2 kids in the stroller, exhausted.) But, wow, I received beauty and couldn't help but laugh!

What a total revelation - I can trust the creator of joy to lovingly hand it out. God just wants us to know that He is the Giver, the Lover, the Bestower...Of course!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (NIV James 1:17)

AND below, thanks to the easily understandable Message Bible:

Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. James 1:17 (The Message)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Always Keep the Door Open

OK friends,

I've been living with Kathy's words from two weeks ago Wednesday and can't believe how applicable they are to most relationships. She was speaking about a difficult relationship and acting in order to create the hope of a loving relationship in the future.

In other words...what do we do in the meantime when a relationship isn't healthy or mutually loving.

"Always keep the door open...but have no expectations of outcome."

Keep the door open through our actions (writing notes, calling every once in a while, praying that they be blessed, inviting over when appropriate) but don't expect our own desired relationship...just make room for the other person to respond.

Unselfish? yes. Loving? yes. Hard? oh my goodness! but extremely helpful!

Thank you Kathy!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Surrender to the cocoon

Here's a quote for today:

"Whatever else is going on in your life, God always has his eye on your transformation.

This is good news, by the way. All of the other things we long for in life--love and friendship, freedom and wholeness, clarity of purpose, all the joy we long for--it all depends on our restoration [read: holiness, sanctification, redemption, the Kingdom of God within you (all words for the same thing)]. You can't find or keep good friends while you are still an irritating person to be around. And there is no way love can flourish while you are still controlling. You can't find your real purpose in life while you're still slavishly serving other people's expectations of you. You can't find peace while you're ruled by fear. You can't enjoy what you have while you're ruled by fear. You can't enjoy what you have while you're envying what the other guy has. On and on it goes."

Friends, I've been spending the last two weeks in this book and I love this quote by John Eldredge in his book, Walking with God. The whole book has gems of wisdom surrounded by lots and lots of ordinary life. But, that's what we need, right? How do we, like Brother Lawrence, in Practice the Presence of God while we do the dishes. I admit between filling the dishwasher over and over, I haven't figured that out yet.

God knows who we were meant to be. God knows who we can be! What joy! He is the Kingdom Dream-Keeper, the Creator and ReCreator, the Holy Editor, the Lover of our Souls. We can trust that He has our best interest at heart...He is good. All the time.

We just need to ask God to form within us a teachable heart.

Future butterflies, don't be afraid to climb into that cocoon and give God the authority over your life to recreate you.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

luminous women--shining like stars

When my Tuesday morning group arrives at the front door of my little yellow cottage, (and I'm feeling particularly shiny that day) I often greet them with a "welcome, luminous women."

And they are.

We've been studying scripture and various Christian books for two years now and WOW what a joy! God is being reflected more and more.

Our blog name comes from Philippians 2:15, but here's the context, (a scripture I've been quoting to my children almost constantly lately...and to myself as well :) "Do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like the stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life..." Shine like stars in the you hold out the word of life. Wow, I'd like to take a bath in that, it's so good.

So, my luminous women (Andrew is right now teaching me how this blog thingy sets up and is laughing at the words, "luminous women" --What do you think about “Glow in the Dark Chics” or “Radioactive Maidens,” Phosphorescent Females, he really could go on!) what does it mean to be

This song by Sara Groves and Matt Bronlewee sums up what I've been learning about worship and realigning myself with the God of the universe:

You Are the Sun

You are the sun
shining down on everyone
Light of the world
giving light to everything I see
Beauty so brilliant
I can hardly take it in
And everywhere You are
is warmth and light
And I am the moon
with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I cannot be a light
unless I turn my face to you

It's so good to remember, isn't it? Though we may be shiny, we are never the center of the universe and the light source doesn't even originate within us! As John Eldredge says in his powerful daily prayer in the back of most of his books, "He is the hero of the story...and the end of all things, including my life." So, I am starting this blog to encourage you, my friends, and anyone else out there who desires to let God make us light reflectors. Some days our blog will be just a quote from a book, other days a thought and some days just a picture of something I find particularly beautiful.

In particular, our dear friend Stephanie is moving this ALASKA, of all beautiful and rugged and luminous places...Stephanie who God gave me in order to have the courage to leave the Episcopal church and create a safe (Anglican) haven for new believers to grow. So, this is my parting gift to you, my dear...for you to visit your friends on the Lake...and make your way up the path to the little yellow cottage anytime you so desire. Stephanie, You are a luminous woman! What a joy it has been to have you in our lives. Loved. Always.