I'm learning to be more aware of His Presence who is always close. I am learning to trust His timing. I am learning that I am complete through union with Christ (Galatians 2:10) and do not have to keep accumulating things, people and accomplishments in order to have worth. I am learning that I only need to write when it is coming out of His Presence...no more chasing after fruit...only God. I repent of rancid fruit that has come from another source.
I have learned so many things this year and have been doing/leading a 16 week course on inner healing written by Terry Wardle of Ashland Seminary in Ohio. Powerful stuff. I feel like I have a front row seat for Isaiah 61 work: freeing captives and setting prisoners free.
I'm linking to A Holy Experience and her gratitude community.
polished red toenails
daffodils pushing up through snow
the flash of learning in my son's eyes
xavi dancing with Madeline on the kitchen floor
warring in prayer this morning with my sisters
bean plants six inches high
Enough manna for today
Journey women pushing up through fear
Holy Week opportunities to preach
Grace in Andrew's goodnight kiss