Today is the birthday of my beautiful mother. She chose an entirely different path from her own mother and decided to tend the inner fires of her husband and children instead of being outward focused, i.e. see the last post.) I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't understand until I started having my own children and began to see their needs in a whole new light.
When I was living at home, I saw endless tasks instead of protective instincts. I saw piles of laundry instead of remembering her always available listening ear. Her choice was brave in light of the feminist world she was living in. She courageously chose to build a home instead of a business, a piece of the kingdom of God which my friends loved to immerse themselves into.
I remember a Campus Crusade worker named Amy who became a friend when I was in high school and who said that she never wanted to leave our home. With tears in her eyes, she said that she finally understood what a healthy family atmosphere looked like after spending the weekend with us four children having Saturday morning pancakes and watching the evident love my parents had for each other.